Kindle your Inner Fire ~ A winter wellness workshop to boost the immune & digestive systems
The eating and cooking holidays are upon us. And so too are the holiday gatherings and last scratches to mark on the mighty 2013 to-do lists. I say it is a good time to call in the extra juicy and nourishing supportive practices that will have us riding into 2014 with that mojo really flowing.
When the daylight dims and the air rolls itself out in crisp notes, nature asks us to slow-cook our actions – you know, embody the gentle low simmer. Create an easeful reception and assimilation of prana – energy, lifeforce, circulation, chi/qi, as a low simmer pranic pulsation IS the very essence of vibrant health.
Join me for a 3-hour winter wellness workshop where we will boost immunity and digestion through holistic practices.
I will guide you on a savory 108-minute journey of yoga, pranayama, visualization, self-massage & acupressure designed to support these systems and to offer methods for decreasing stress that affects the gut.
Special guest, Certified Nutrition Consultant Jenny Fowler, will lead a nutrition discussion while we warm our tummies with a lovingly prepared healthy dish from her, complete with take home recipes.
12.22.13 | 1-4pm | at Glow Yoga & Wellness in San Francisco, CA
Sign up: $35 investment by 12/14, $40 after
www.glowyogasf.com | 415.874.9141
To your hearty winter health!