We are inviting freedom

to engage our nature,

not to extricate ourselves.


The nature of red and the redwoods. Anderson Valley, CA

The nature of “red” and the redwoods. Anderson Valley, CA


2 thoughts on “Mantra Monday – Freedom to engage, not extricate

  1. malin

    Hello beautiful Amber coloured world, I just found you! Really looking forward to feeling closer to you by reading your energy and wisdom. I love seeing you hugging Pachamama on that picture, you two look good together.

    Kisses from a snowy Sweden!


    1. soulbutteradmin Post author

      Oh… the crystalline beauty of snowy Sweden and its bright-eyed people. Thank you for sending the love and stopping by for visit to this playground. Ms. Soulbutter is sending some shimmering California sunshine your way. Much love to you until we meet up for our next exploration together :).


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