I dreamed of a bridge
Able to bear your burden
Each step a promise
~ A.W.

Bridge Crossing Marshyangdi River in Nepal. Annapurna Circuit trek – June 2000
Where there is vision and goodwill, there is always a way to build.
Today has been claimed National Day of Yoga for Nepal.
In response to the recent earthquakes in Nepal, motivated visionary yogis are acting to make May 19th a grand call to action. Yogis around the world are asked to practice for Nepal today. For more info you can visit www.yoga4nepal.com.
On this day, I commit to practicing the highest form of yoga = seva yoga. Seva is any form of selfless service that brings benefit to the greater community.
Ms. SoulButter will teach, practice and offer up all class earnings to support rebuilding efforts in Nepal. In my 6:15pm or 7:30pm Flow classes tonight, we’ll sweat out sweet prayers from our hearts and move to a special music mix that promises to transport us across the global community bridge and into the heart of Nepal. Register at: www.glowyogasf.com
Please practice your love and goodwill however you can.