An enormous amount of time is spent hastily reacting.

And sadly, sometimes, reacting with uncontrolled anger.

It’s as if in this information age we humans have programmed ourselves to behave like robots, to respond on que to whatever demands the least attention from us.

And when the complexity of an experience requires more than sophisticated computer programming to answer the question of balance, we humans-as-robots wind up a total system failure.


Machines are not hard-wired for composure, grace, humility, compassion. At least not yet.


Stop. We humans are not machines.


We are amazing creatures capability of working with technology. But how can one mechanize the soul? How?

I am witnessing and experiencing how more and more people are treating each other as such. Talking, texting, emailing, face-booking over each other, rarely pausing to deeply listen. Spending even less time truly looking into the truth found deep within another’s eyes.

We begin to look for the path of most efficient conversation, action, decision-making,  selfish warriors with our personal agendas to protect.

This way of behaving in society, and within the intimate realms of family and closest friends, frays the very fabric of human strength – our human ability to deeply connect and care for one another. It propagates a disregard for contemplation and true collaboration, stifling anything that requires putting in extra time and energy to think, and extra time and energy to build fortified love. We’ve all heard the common expressions from people on their deathbeds, that a meaningful life is measured in relationships, not the status, the money, nor the accomplishments acquired. It is whether and how much we touched the hearts of one another. It is whether we lived love.



When we meet challenge and disharmony as robots, or as humans lashing out through angered-reaction verses skillful response, we lower our being’s vibratory intelligence. A low vibe is dulled further when we skim over the surface of each other thoughtlessly, barely capable of producing meaningful ripples in the fabric of life.

We must wake up our responsible human hearts and acknowledge that thinking well is a time-consuming process. We cannot expect instant results. Such is the cultivation of the world’s greatest tea, chocolate and wine, all foods from the gods that we have learned to savor and appreciate. Have you thought about how the most life-enhancing and life-diminishing food of all is our human ability to connect and give or retract our love.


We have to slow down a little bit, and for some of us, a LOTTA bit

and take the time to contemplate, meditiate, even pray.


Pray for the strength of human spirit and connection to carry us through the joys and fallible natures of man.


It is the only route to a more meaningful, high vibrational existence.


How do you value your human existence and bonds of love and friendship?



3 thoughts on “We humans are not machines.

  1. Carol LaPointe

    Wow…it is like you tapped into my soul. Our greatest gift in life is love and you brought this to the forefront with your blog. Love you.


    1. soulbutteradmin Post author

      Love is what moves life along. It is the heartbeat force that keeps us going. Love you back Carol!


  2. Malin

    Just what I needed to hear. I have been thinking that there is no reason for me to focus on some things, since I will never get as good as others that has done this for years and years. I completely forgot that it is the path there that is important, not the goal. I will take your words with me and butter up my path to make it smooth and shiny!


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